Imagine a theme park wants to determine how long the expected wait time is for their most popular ride, what kinds of patterns should they pay attention to(ride preference, food, ticket, walking, etc.)? Explain what it would denote and how it would help create this simulation. Discuss with the people around you and write it below.

Id a program models the growth of foxes and rabbits, what aspects would be necessary and which wouldn’t.

You can choose from the following if you’d like, label a True if necessary and False if not.

The heavy use of chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) has caused damage to the Earth’s ozone layer, creating a noticeable hole over Antarctica. A scientist wants to create a simulation of the hole in the layer using a computer, which models the growth of the hole over many years.

You can choose from the following if you’d like, label a True if necessary and False if not.

If you were to analyze the spread of an invasive species, decide whether a simulation or real life example will be more beneficial and explain in detail these benefits of the choice you chose.

A program is being created to simulate the growth of a brain-based on randomly determined environmental factors. The developer plans to add a feature that lets the user quickly run several hundred simulations with any number of factors kept constant. Why would this be useful? Explain in more than one reason if possible.

Discuss with your table the limitation of using a computer simulation to model a real-world object or system?