Weeks: 08/22-08/29

  1. AP Chemistry
    • Learned: stoichiometry unit, had a practice frq
    • Things to get done
      • memorize Polyatomic Ions
      • memorize Solubility Rules
      • take notes on stoichiometry methods
  2. AP Calculus BC
    • Learned: Review of Limits (limits to infinity, absolute value limits, squeeze theorem, essential trig limits), started Derivative Unit (limit definition,…)
    • Things to get done
      • Finish Unit 1 Closure
      • Finish Friday HW
      • Study for Test 1 (09/1)
      • Finish (08/29) cw/hw
  3. AP English Language
    • Learned: how to write a precis, different rhetorical strategies, 2 different thesis formats, proper introduction paragraph format.
    • Things to get done
      • Study rhetorical strategies to prepare for on-demand (08/31)
      • proof-read notesbook for check (08/31)
  4. AP Computer Science Principles
    • Things to get done
      • post issue with Week 2 assignment links
  5. Orchestra
    • Things to get done
      • practice for auditions (09/05)
      • maybe practice scaled