
  • User would input the city they are visiting and program would output attractions in the city. We would develop this further by outputting a full itinerary that the user can download.
  • Uses the Travel Advisor Freemium API
  • input: city name
  • output: list of attractions
  • Would incorporate database by having a attraction rating database
  • animation aspect: map with location popularity distribution
const apiKey = "ec628c3848mshc2f96fd1e664c35p194b32jsna5ebcbef62b6";
const searchButton = document.getElementById("search-button");
const cityInput = document.getElementById("city-input");
const attractionsList = document.getElementById("attractions-list");

searchButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
  const city = cityInput.value;
  // Make a request to the Travel Advisor API to get attractions for the specified city
  const response = await fetch(`${city}&lang=en_US`, {
    headers: {
      "X-RapidAPI-Key": apiKey
  const data = await response.json();
  // Clear previous results
  attractionsList.innerHTML = "";
  if ( && > 0) {
    // Display the attractions in a list => {
      const attractionItem = document.createElement("li");
      attractionItem.textContent =;
  } else {
    // No attractions found for the specified city
    const noResultsItem = document.createElement("li");
    noResultsItem.textContent = "No attractions found for the specified city";

Air BnB recommender

  • Could add a feature where users input location and possible air bnb spots are found
  • uses Airbnb13 API api
const apiKey = "ec628c3848mshc2f96fd1e664c35p194b32jsna5ebcbef62b6";
const searchButton = document.getElementById("search-button");
const locationInput = document.getElementById("location-input");
const recommendationsContainer = document.getElementById("recommendations-container");

searchButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
  const location = locationInput.value;
  // Make a request to the Airbnb13 API to get recommendations for the specified location
  const response = await fetch(`${location}/recommendations`, {
    headers: {
      "X-RapidAPI-Key": apiKey
  const data = await response.json();
  // Clear previous results
  recommendationsContainer.innerHTML = "";
  if (data.status === "success") {
    // Display the recommendations => {
      const recommendationItem = document.createElement("div");
      const title = document.createElement("h3");
      title.textContent =;
      const description = document.createElement("p");
      description.textContent = recommendation.description;
  } else {
    // No recommendations found for the specified location
    const noResultsItem = document.createElement("div");
    noResultsItem.textContent = "No recommendations found for the specified location";

College Find

  • We would create a program that allows you to enter college/university name, and it would output location, offical university website,
  • Could also enter state/country and program would output universities with their official website
  • Would be useful for high schoolers applying to colleges
  • Alternatively, if we wanted to also have admission rates/GPA... data we could use to create our own csv file
  • Would incorporate database with a college "like/dislike" feature
  • animation aspect: map feature where you can see college distribution


  • We could add sorting to this buy using either pandas or a database to sort by averege GPA, acceptance rate, population, or other quantifiable values that are able to be sorted.
    • This will be done based on what the user wants to sort by
  • We also could make unique sorting values such as:
    • Our personal score on the school
    • Best sports

College Map Animation

  • We will add a map feature for our animation
    • The map will be of California the state and it will have pins where all of the UC schools are
    • When the user hovers over these point the point will enlarge and be able to be clicked
      • When they are clicked it will bring the user to a page with that school and information about it
      • if this idea doesn't work then maybe instead of the pin point enlarging we could add an image of the school that pops up

UC Schools