InfoDb = []

    "First_Name": "Shruthi",
    "Last_Name": "Malayath",
    "DOB": "April 14 2006",
    "Email": "",
    "Hobbies": "Watching movies, drawing, and sleeping",
    "Favorite_Color": ["green"],
    "First_Name": "Kavya",
    "Last_Name": "Malayath",
    "DOB": "August 30 2009",
    "Email": "kavyamalayath@com",
    "Hobbies": "Reading",
    "Favorite_Color": ["purple"],

    "First_Name": "Snow",
    "Last_Name": "Malayath",
    "DOB": "March 31 2020",
    "Email": "she's a dog",
    "Hobbies": "chewing furniture",
    "Favorite_Color": ["blue"],


[{'First_Name': 'Shruthi', 'Last_Name': 'Malayath', 'DOB': 'April 14 2006', 'Email': '', 'Hobbies': 'Watching movies, drawing, and sleeping', 'Favorite_Color': ['green']}, {'First_Name': 'Kavya', 'Last_Name': 'Malayath', 'DOB': 'August 30 2009', 'Email': 'kavyamalayath@com', 'Hobbies': 'Reading', 'Favorite_Color': ['purple']}, {'First_Name': 'Snow', 'Last_Name': 'Malayath', 'DOB': 'March 31 2020', 'Email': "she's a dog", 'Hobbies': 'chewing furniture', 'Favorite_Color': ['blue']}]

A For Loop

def print_data(d_rec):
    print(d_rec["First_Name"], d_rec["Last_Name"])  # using comma puts space between values
    print("\t", "DOB:", d_rec["DOB"]) # \t is a tab indent
    print("\t", "email:", d_rec["Email"])
    print("\t", "Hobbies:", d_rec["Hobbies"])
    print("\t", "Favorite Color: ", end="")  # end="" make sure no return occurs
    print(", ".join(d_rec["Favorite_Color"]))  # join allows printing a string list with separator

# for loop algorithm iterates on length of InfoDb
def for_loop():
    print("Information on:\n")
    for record in InfoDb:

Information on:

Shruthi Malayath
	 DOB: April 14 2006
	 Hobbies: Watching movies, drawing, and sleeping
	 Favorite Color:green

Kavya Malayath
	 DOB: August 30 2009
	 email: kavyamalayath@com
	 Hobbies: Reading
	 Favorite Color:purple

Snow Malayath
	 DOB: March 31 2020
	 email: she's a dog
	 Hobbies: chewing furniture
	 Favorite Color:blue

Making a Quiz that Stores in a List of Dictionaries

import getpass, sys

questions = 6
correct = 0   

print('Hello, ' + getpass.getuser())
print("\t", "You will be asked " + str(questions) + " questions on world history.")
print("\t", getpass.getuser() + " you must use proper capitalization on this quiz!!")

def question_and_answer(prompt, answer):
    print("Question: " + prompt) 
    rsp = input() 
    if rsp == answer :
        print("\t", rsp + " is correct!")
        global correct
        correct += 1
        print ("\t", rsp + " is incorrect!")
    return rsp

Question_1 = question_and_answer("What year did WWI start?", "1914")
Question_2 = question_and_answer("The event in 1968 where Soviet troops stormed Czechoslovakia to crack down on reforms:", "Prague Spring")
Question_3 = question_and_answer("What is the first name of the Soviet Union president involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis", "Nikita")
Question_4 = question_and_answer("When were India and Pakistan divided?", "1947")
Question_5 = question_and_answer("The _____ dynasty marks the last of the Chinese emperors", "Qing")
Question_6 = question_and_answer("Due to liberation of many African nations, the year 1960 is known as the...", "Year of Africa")

print(getpass.getuser() + " you scored " + str(correct) +"/" + str(questions) + "!!")

Quiz = []

    "Q_1": Question_1,
    "Q_2": Question_2,
    "Q_3": Question_3,
    "Q_4": Question_4,
    "Q_5": Question_5

def print_data(d_rec):
    print("Question 1:", d_rec["Q_1"]) 
    print("Question 2:", d_rec["Q_2"]) 
    print("Question 3:", d_rec["Q_3"])
    print("Question 4:", d_rec["Q_4"])
    print("Question 5:", d_rec["Q_5"], end="")  

print("\n \n \n")


print("Here is a record of your quiz:")
def for_loop():
    print("For loop output\n")
    for record in Quiz:

Hello, shruthim
	 You will be asked 6 questions on world history.
	 shruthim you must use proper capitalization on this quiz!!
Question: What year did WWI start?
	 1914 is correct!
Question: The event in 1968 where Soviet troops stormed Czechoslovakia to crack down on reforms:
	 Prague Spring is correct!
Question: What is the first name of the Soviet Union president involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis
	 Nikita is correct!
Question: When were India and Pakistan divided?
	 1947 is correct!
Question: The _____ dynasty marks the last of the Chinese emperors
	 Qing is correct!
Question: Due to liberation of many African nations, the year 1960 is known as the...
	 Year of Africa is correct!
shruthim you scored 6/6!!


Here is a record of your quiz:
For loop output

Question 1: 1914
Question 2: Prague Spring
Question 3: Nikita
Question 4: 1947
Question 5: Qing