Below is an example of decimal number to binary converter which you can use as a starting template.
num = int(input("Enter the number you would like to convert into binary"))
def DecimalToBinary(num):
if num > 1:
DecimalToBinary(num // 2) #divide input by 2
print(num % 2, end = "") #so that numbers prints all together instead of new line for each number
print("Your number, " + str(num) + ", in binary is:")
decimal = int(input("Enter the number you would like to convert into binary")) #get input from user & set variables
binary = 0
i = 0 #set initial
num = decimal
while(num > 0):
binary = ((num%2)*(10**i)) + binary # set binary equal to remainder of the input/2, multiplied by 10^i
num = int(num/2) #now number equal num/2 rounded to an integer
i += 1 #incriment by 1
#output result
print("Your number " + str(decimal) + " in binary is " + str(binary))
print("True:",4 == 4)
print("True:",1 > 0)
print("False:",7 < 3)
print("True:",5 < 6)
print("False:",7 > 8)
print("True:",3 == 3)
# Same as above, but now for other values other than int
print('True:',"as" == "as")
print("False",True == False)
print("False:",[2,3,1] < [2,3,1])
print("True:",'af' < 'bc')
print("False:",'ce' > 'cf')
print("True:",[1,'b'] > [1,'a'])
print("True:", True > False)
print("False:", True > True)
print("True:", True == True)
print("False:", False == True)
print("False:", True == False)
print("True:", False == False)
def function(x, y, z):
if x > y:
if z > x:
print("z is greater than everything else")
print("x is greater than y and z")
if y > x:
print("y is greater than x!!!")
print("i have no idea :(")
function(7, 12, 3)
Boolean Operators
- Relational Operators can work between any two values of the same type known as operands, provided that the type supports such types of operators
- operators ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, each one working the same way that they work as one would expect, with == being the replacement for equal to, since = is reserved for value assignments.
- They also work on other types, such as string or list, and values at each index is compared in order to determine which one is greater
- for example: "abg"<"acd" returns True, since the computer first goes to a and a, after they are the same, they go to b and c, and since c is "greater" than b, "acd" is greater than "abg"
- algorithm - A set of instructions that accomplish a task.
- selection - The process that determines which parts of an algoritm is being executed based on a condition that is true or false.
- A conditional is a statement that affects the flow/outcome of a program by executing different statements based on the result of a true or false statement. That true or false statement is a boolean expression.
- can be if else, can also be just if
Nested conditionals
- Nested Conditional Statements consist of conditional statements within conditional statements.